
Client Testimonials


Thank you to everyone who allows me to use their testimonials on my website.

Ann found the whole experience had a “warm welcome and informative introduction, time flew” and at the end of the session she was “feeling successful”.  Ann Gibbs, March 2017

“I would like to thank Kelly for giving me the strength to be a non-smoker again.” Bill, November 2016

“I found Kelly to be great. Well done, great, give it a go.” Dianne, November 2016

“I don’t even feel like a cigarette, it’s totally gone. I felt so clear headed and relaxed that I haven’t felt for a long time. The stresses of work were totally gone where normally work is in my head.” Danny Costani, September 2016

“Very relaxing, very friendly, I would recommend Kelly to anyone. I have left her office believing I am a non-smoker!” D.B., August 2016

After a follow-up session: “I feel much calmer and more in control of my life again. I lost that when I started smoking again. Once again “I AM A NON-SMOKER AND I WILL BREATH FRESH AIR FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!” L.P., August 2016

After a follow-up session: “Coming back a second time felt more comfortable, I felt better knowing what was coming. Could really focus, felt great. Coming back I felt guilt for letting Kelly down, bt was encouraged that I didn’t let anyone down. Positivity Plus.” J.L., August 2016

A husband and wife team!:  “The end of our first week off the smokes. Road trip going well. It’s been amazingly easy not smoking. Can’t thank you enough Kelly.”   Michelle Shugg – June 2016

“I would recommend this program to anyone wanting to Quit. It is 1 week since I became a ‘non-smoker’ and I am going strong. I have had my moments but nothing like when I went cold turkey. I use my Breathing and Motivation CD a lot.” L.P., June 2016

“I am really relaxed and it’s good to be a non-smoker. Ya-hoo.” Mark McFadzean, May 2016.

“I feel great. You were right, it’s like there’s a big weight gone.” M.M., May 2016.  This client mentioned feeling a weight lift off his chest during the session. It’s amazing how the smoking habit impacts on us.

“I feel relaxed, happy and a non-smoker. I feel like running outside and running for joy. I feel so happy.” V.S., April 2016

“I feel good, a non-smoker and Kelly was very good.” Anon., March 2016

“I found the experience very positive and rewarding and I am now a non-smoker.” Anon., February 2016

“I have never been so relaxed and determined. I am a non-smoker and it feels great! Thank you Kelly for everything.”   R.B. – January 2016

“It has enabled me to leave the habit behind forever.” Kylie, December 2015

“It’s something (being a non-smoker) I never thought I would be able to achieve by myself. Kelly has made me feel so much more assured of myself that I am going to be a non-smoker and breath fresh air for the rest of my life. Thanks Kelly.” Jan Sadler, February 2015


Ken Boyd

Ken had his Quit Cigarettes Sessions on the 13th March 2015.

Ken Boyd - Quit Cigarettes Client
Ken Boyd – Quit Cigarettes Client

Testimonial from 13th March 2015

“I now know that I am a non-smoker. I look forward to all the wonderful benefits of being a non-smoker. The program was excellent.”

Thank you Ken for letting me share your story.


Graham Hubbard

Graham had his Quit Cigarettes Session on the 13th March 2015.

Graham Hubbard - Quit Cigarettes Client
Graham Hubbard – Quit Cigarettes Client

Testimonial from 13th March 2015.

“I can now get my life back, save money for the things I want and enjoy the family much more.”

Thank you Graham for letting me share your story.


Kay Miller

Kay had her Quit Cigarettes Session on the 20th February 2015.

I received this message from Kay on the 13th March 2015.

“Hi Kelly, 3 weeks today as a non-smoker, doing really well. Thank you very much, awful cough went in a few days, very happy. Sincerely,  Kay Miller”

Thank you for letting me share your success Kay, I’m very proud of you!

Gary McLeod

Gary had his Quit Cigarettes Session on the 13th February 2015.

Gary McLeod
Gary McLeod – Quit Cigarettes Client

Testimonial from 13th February 2015:

“I am glad that I used this program because I now do NOT smoke anymore.”

After speaking with Gary’s wife a week after the session, she sounded very happy with his results and was very proud of her husband.

Thank you Gary for letting me share your story.


Liza Grech

Liza had her Quit Cigarettes Session on the 25th September 2014.

Client testimonials
Liza Grech – Quit Cigarettes Client

Testimonial from 25th September 2014:

“I have come away feeling so much better, a new lease on life. I can’t wait to see what’s ahead. I’m excited about the future because now I feel more confident about having one.”

6 weeks later:

I sent Liza a message congratulating her on 6 weeks as a non-smoker and asked what was the biggest thing she has noticed. She wrote back saying “Wow, six weeks already! I have more energy and more money!”

Over 3 months later:

I’ve just spoken to Liza again to see how she’s going after the festive season and she is doing wonderfully well. Her cough has gone away, she is no longer wheezing and all areas of her health have improved. She mentioned that her friends and work mates couldn’t believe that she had given up smoking because she was “walking around with a smile on my face when most people who give up smoking get angry”.

Well done Liza, I am so proud of you. Thank you for letting me share your story.